2023 CSIRO Alumni Scholarship in Physics
Wed 29 March, 2023
CSIRO Lindfield, NSW
After two years of hosting our scholarship award ceremony online, it was wonderful to return to the theatre at CSIRO Lindfield. The CSIRO Alumni network and LCU presented the 2023 CSIRO Alumni Physics scholarship.
The 2023 winner was Giulia Cinquegrana and the event was hosted by Tanya Bowes, CSIRO Director of Corporate Affairs, Dr Scott Martin, Dr Bob Steele and Helen Lorigan, CEO of LCU
Giulia Cinquegrana gave a talk on her theoretical astrophysics research and her plans to visit Europe in August 2023.
Following the ceremony, we all enjoyed afternoon tea in the foyer and caught up with friends and former colleagues.
Read more about Giulia’s research