Long coleoptile wheat expands WA planting options

October 19th, 2020

graincentral.com, Other, 15/10/2020
With the current effects of climate change placing increasing pressure on breeders to develop resilient wheat varieties, LongReach Plant Breeders are investing in options for growers in Western Australia who are battling an uncertain climate. On the back of another dry winter for the region, with rainfall at 30 per cent below average, the need for hardier wheat varieties has been at the fore front of the mind of seed developers. In conjunction with CSIRO, the LongReach team is one step closer to a commercially-viable long coleoptile wheat variety, which will mitigate some of the risks presented by drier planting seasons.

Read more: https://www.graincentral.com/cropping/long-coleoptile-wheat-expands-planting-options/