Maria Jenckel

November 9th, 2020

Area of research:

Sequencing and data analysis of Rabbit calicivirus. NGS, Metagenomics

Research project details:

Sequencing and data analysis of Rabbit calicivirus. Metagenomic approach to investigate viruses in lagomorphs. NGS and data analysis


Health & Biosecurity at Black Mountain, Canberra

My expectations from a mentoring partnership:

  • I am looking for some career-related guidance (preferably discipline specific) but also some advice about leadership and work-and-life balance
  • Since I am an international PostDoc also advice on how to manage an extended stay in Australia would be nice
  • A meeting once a month would be fine with me and I am happy to use e-mail/zoom/webex or what else is available. If location allows, I am also happy to meet in person
  • It would be nice to find someone who has experience in my field of research. However, I am also interested to engage with people who have left research and are now doing something different. I would find it useful to get some advice on how to develop my career path once my contract at CSIRO ends

My general interests:
I am from Germany and like to travel and love living in Australia.
I have started to run again and am training for a half-marathon
I played the accordion for 10 years, can play the guitar a bit and recently got a keyboard

Research Gate