AWS Data Hero – Dr Denis Bauer

November 17th, 2020

Dr. Denis Bauer is a Principal Research Scientist at Australia’s government research agency (CSIRO), and adjunct associate professor at Macquarie University. As part of CSIRO’s digital health research program, she develops machine learning and cloud-based bioinformatics solutions that help fight disease and improve human health. Her open source products include VariantSpark, the machine learning tool for analysing ultra-high dimensional data, which was the first AWS Marketplace health product from a public sector organization, and GT-Scan, the search engine for genome engineering, which was one of the first serverless architectures.

Denis is passionate about facilitating the digital transformation of the health and life-science sector by building a strong community of practice through open source technology, keynote presentations and inclusive interdisciplinary collaborations. For example, the collaboration with her organization’s visionary Scientific Computing and Cloud Platforms experts as well as AWS Data Hero Lynn Langit has enabled the creation of cloud-based bioinformatics solutions used by 10,000 researchers annually.

“I am very excited to share with you that I have been selected as an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hero, which recognises digital experts world wide. I am Australia’s first Data Hero and look forward to working with the research and innovation sector to build Australia’s strong and global #digitalEconomy.”

Watch this video to learn more about Denis and how this may help Australia build a more resilient digital economy: