Jared Fernando

September 19th, 2022

Area of research:

Chemistry – organic catalysis and methodology

Research project details:

My post doctoral fellowship centres around developing new organic reactions that involve utilising waste gases such as CO2 and CO as one carbon building blocks. The processes we are developing involve photo- and electro-catalysis in both batch and flow reactors.


Manufacturing. Clayton, Vic.

Expectations from a mentoring partnership:

Key points:

  • Looking for career related mentorship, exploring career options and necessary skill development
  • Flexible with catch ups, online or in person, and flexible with frequency
  • Looking for someone who started their career in research but has since branched out, has knowledge of science related fields outside of research

I am around two thirds of my way through my post doc in organic chemistry and looking to find someone to broaden my knowledge of the different career paths that I could take. I am open to many areas/fields/careers as most of what I’ve heard about at this stage involves research (academia, industry, government) so I am looking to explore what else there is available to me. I very much enjoy science and discovery, but am also passionate about science policy, communication and education. I am also open to opportunities overseas as well as local.

More about me:

I love trivia and trivia nights, and have a decent broader knowledge of most sciences. I enjoy watching and playing sport (mostly cricket, soccer, and football). I am a big fan of the tv series taskmaster, and have even run my own taskmaster themed events for my friends. I wouldn’t say I enjoy politics but I definitely keep up on current events and am passionate about the need for greater science policy and education. I like some typically nerdy things too, like fantasy novels/movies and I do enjoy a good graph joke. I also enjoy film photography and collecting vinyls.

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Jared-E-M-Fernando-2103295692