“All in a Day’s work…” a tribute to Dr Max Day

September 29th, 2020

Memoirs, stories, articles and images of Dr Max Day AO FAA compiled to celebrate Max’s 100th birthday, 21 December 2015

“All in a Day’s work” is  a collection of memoirs, stories, articles and images of Dr Max Day AO FAA compiled to celebrate Max’s 100th birthday, 21 December 2015

Foreword by Jon C. Day

This book has been compiled from a number of sources, the prime one being Max’s autobiographical memoirs written in the mid-1990s. These memoirs have been complemented by:

  • excerpts from several interviews (eg. Dr Max Blythe interviewed Max in 1993);
  • additional notes found within Max’s papers;
  • various articles written by other people in more recent times, reminiscing about some
  • of Max’s contributions during his career (these are coloured yellow throughout the
  • book), and
  • some additions from his family (coloured green in the book).

The prime purpose of compiling the book was to celebrate Max’s 100th birthday – however hopefully it will also serve to help his family and his colleagues better understand just how amazing Max is… a wonderful scientist who has maintained his life-long passions about science and conservation.

Thanks to all those who contributed to this compilation, particularly (in alphabetical order):

Virginia Berger, Rob Birtles, Alan Brown, Pam Davis, Jack Elix, Murray Fletcher, Joel Green, Steph Griffin, Marianne Horak, Robert Ingpen, Patrap Khanna, Sadanandan Nambiar, Gus Nossal, Kelly O’Shanassy, Jim Peacock, John Raison, Libby Robin, Charlie Veron, Kylie Walker, Max Whitten, Graeme Worboys

Jon Day

December 2015

Other links and articles




This is the AAS Fellowship established in Max’s name to assist young researchers in environmental issues.


Here is the link to Max’s obituary in the Australian Forestry https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/8Q42VieHq694nIhbDbSN/full