Canberra Times, Other, 05/12/2020, Marco Holden Jeffery Nothing screams summer more than a chorus of cicadas on a warm evening, […], Other, 01/12/2020 A recent picture of a snake eel dangling from the stomach of a flying heron has been […]
ABC Online, Other, 25/11/2020, Jessica Hayes, Ellie Honeybone and Joanna Prendergast A West Australian apple grower says a threatened WA […]
South Burnett Times, Other, 27/11/2020, Holly Cormack A local amateur photographer has captured an exceptionally rare - and rather cheeky […]
CNET, Other, 20/11/2020, Laura Hautala Fire-predicting software can project how a fire could spread, even while it's still burning. Andrew […]
ABC Online, Other, 12/11/2020, Belinda Smith This bigfin squid, swimming more than 3,000m below the surface of the Great Australian […], General News, 10/11/2020, Liz Bell A ground-breaking invention that could reduce or eradicate Gippsland's feral cat population and potentially […]
Daily Telegraph Australia, Other, 07/11/2020, Malcolm Holland An ingenious Australian invention promises to end the heartbreak of lost pets, with […]
Canberra Times, Other, 07/11/2020, Sarah Lansdown Australian scientists have made a once-in-a-career discovery: that the greater glider is actually three […]