“CSIRO in Western Australia – Musings of Some Former Staff” by Peter Hick and Adrian Peck 

September 29th, 2020

A wonderful compilation of personal stories from members of the WA Chapter of CSIRO Alumni and other former CSIRO staff. Read about the human side of science and the daily and year-by-year experiences of working in the Western Australian arm of CSIRO during its earliest and then its rapid growth phases.

The compiling editors of these musings, Peter Hick and Adrian Peck, have made only format and grammatical changes to the original contributions. These were freely provided by members of the WA Chapter of CSIRO Alumni and other former CSIRO staff. The authors have had the opportunity to amend or alter their contributions where clarification was considered to be desirable, or where there appeared to be a possibility of causing offence.
Photographs are attributed to authors or separately acknowledged where a source can be traced. The authenticity of certain dates, people and events may be subject to some conjecture, but in all cases the material has been submitted in good faith.

Acknowledgment: Sue Smith provided professional help in preparation of this document from from day one. Her continual encouragement and ideas of where the CSIRO Alumni network could help has been of great help. Thank you Sue

Download and read the Unoffiocial History of WA