CSIRO Publishing
CSIRO Publishing will feature discounts and special offers in the alumni newsletters and on the CSIRO Alumni news page.
For more information about the extensive range of titles and to order books, please visit our website
How to order:
CSIRO Publishing accept orders via their website and by phone and email.
- Telephone: 1300 788 000 (for the cost of a local call within Australia)
- Email: publishing.sales@csiro.au
- Order online at: http://www.publish.csiro.au
Double Helix magazine subscription
Alumni are entitled to a discounted price of $52 for a one year subscription (regular price is $60).
For online orders, use promo code CSIROSTAFF to receive the discounted price.
Contact email is doublehelix@csiro.au
Website: https://doublehelixshop.csiro.au/
Online virtual journals
We have time-limited free access to some of our online journals – these will be posted on the CSIRO Alumni news page and featured in our newsletters.
CSIRO Publishing catalogue
We’ve put together a catalogue featuring a selection of CSIRO-branded books, including our excellent new release AmAZed!, the CSIRO “Science and Solutions for Australia” series, the latest diet books and of course Double Helix magazine.
You can view the catalogue here: https://www.publish.csiro.au/catalogues/csiro