CSIRO report says Aussie grain industry can go carbon neutral by 2030

February 17th, 2022

The Courier Mail, Other, 16/02/2022
A new report has found the Australian grain industry can reduce overall emissions by 2030, but not without incurring massive costs as a result. A major new report has shed light on the question of whether Australian grain production can go carbon neutral. The answer, according to the CSIRO, is yes, but it would involve diverting tens of thousands of hectares of crop land to carbon sequestration projects and would come at considerable cost.

Read more: https://www.couriermail.com.au/agribusiness/csiro-report-says-aussie-grain-industry-can-go-carbon-neutral-by-2030/news-story/aff4bedc095cb67015ffba52c6a2d930?btr=211cdb4a7e454f84869ca290f89db549