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Future Digital Manufacturing Fund (FDMF) Symposium
We are excited to invite you to the Future Digital Manufacturing Fund (FDMF) Symposium – APaIR funded technologies, resources and opportunities for CSIRO research teams and Australian manufacturers.
- What is FDMF and how it can help CSIRO research and Australian Manufacturers
- Current FDMF projects and how you can apply them to your research programs
- FDMF’s plans for future impact
We’ll be introducing:
ROSella; a Robotic Operating System software development platform based on ROS2, targeting autonomous and assistive intelligent platforms with advanced computer imaging, managing sensor integration and uncertainty. The new developments include the use of Factor Graphs, a proven solution which supported the winning Data61 DARPA challenge.
Embedded Intelligence Platform; EIP is an IoT technology suite comprising ultra-low power, intelligent objects that have been designed to share not only data but also context. Because EIP is untethered it is quick to implement and quick to get results. This platform provides solutions to: Labs of the Future, Energy Efficiency, Advanced Manufacturing Assembly, Health and Aged Care and the Circular Economy to name a few.
AI for Design; This revolutionary approach to advanced product design integrates the human designer with AI driven feature exploration, computational modelling, and additive prototyping to expand the realm of feasible product designs and close the loop between prototype performance and predicted performance. These tools potentially put Australian designers at the forefront of innovation in the fields of hydrogen, energy storage, direct air capture, catalytic mixing, and aerospace.
Come along to find out more about these technologies and FDMF’s other valuable contributions to the transformation of Australian manufacturing.
Join us in person at the Clayton site or via webcast online.