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The Global Carbon Budget and Australia’s role

February 27 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Hear from Dr Pep Canadell FTSE and Dr Will Howard as they explore the science behind global carbon cycles and Australia’s critical role in shaping future climate strategies.

Dr Pep Canadell, FTSE
Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO

Pep is a Chief Research Scientist in CSIRO Environment, Chief Lead Investigator in the Climate Systems Hub of the National Environmental Science Program, and Executive Director of the Global Carbon Project, a global consortium of scientists under the umbrella of Future Earth and a scientific partner of the World Climate Research Programme.

Pep holds a BSc, a MSc, and a PhD degree in Biology and Terrestrial Ecology from the University Autonomous of Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Upon completing his PhD and throughout the 1990s, Pep held three research positions in the USA at San Diego State University, University of California at Berkeley, and Stanford University, after which he moved to CSIRO in Australia, where he has worked since.

Dr Will Howard
Lead Scientist, Commonwealth Government Climate Change Authority

Dr Will Howard is Lead Scientist at the Commonwealth Government Climate Change Authority, working across climate science and adaptation, climate policy, negative emissions and other issues.

He got a Ph.D in Geological Sciences from Brown University in the USA, was a U.S. Department of Energy Global Change Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University, a lecturer in oceanography at the Sea Education Association in Woods Hole USA, a researcher at the Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre.

He worked at the Office of the Chief Scientist in Canberra from 2010 to 2017, serving as Head of Science there in 2016-17.


February 27
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


ATSE Office, 28 National Circuit, Forrest ACT 2603 – in-person and online