Highlights of our research delivered by RV Investigator

August 30th, 2022

Find out how we’re working with our partners to tackle Australia’s greatest challenges through the collaborative research delivered by RV Investigator.
Research vessel (RV) Investigator is an advanced research platform with flexible capabilities to support oceanographic, geoscience, biological and atmospheric research. The vessel also delivers important education and training opportunities to develop Australia’s future generations of marine researchers and experts.

To mark our 8th year of vessel operation, we’re shining a spotlight on the research delivered by RV Investigator since it was commissioned on 12 December 2014.

As we count down towards the anniversary of commissioning, a blog and case study will be published each month to highlight the research delivered and some of our many research partners who were involved.

August: Oceanographic research – In this case study, we focus on the oceanographic research delivered using RV Investigator, and highlight its impact and benefit to the nation. The case study also dives deeper into the science behind our latest blog ‘The Sinking Dead’.

Join us as we dive into the research we deliver!