Innovate to Grow: Ending Plastic Waste

July 18th, 2023

Innovate to Grow is a free 10-week virtual, self-paced learning program for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to investigate new R&D opportunities related to the plastic and recycling sectors.

CSIRO has a goal to reduce 80 per cent of plastic waste entering the Australian environment by 2030. The Ending Plastic Waste Mission is intended to support a sustainable plastics circular economy to reduce detrimental impacts to the environment, while delivering economic benefits. You will also be exposed to industry knowledge, hear from innovation and industry experts and have access to networking opportunities with researchers and R&D mentors.

Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) play a key role in advancing recycling and plastic solutions. This program is open to Australian SMEs currently working in plastics or recycling, or those working in other areas looking to offer new technology or solutions that could be applicable to these sectors.

The program will help you refine your innovation idea and step you through how to turn this into a research and development opportunity. You will also be exposed to industry knowledge, hear from innovation and industry experts and have access to networking opportunities with researchers and R&D mentors.

It’s a great opportunity to work alongside other like-minded SMEs and build your networks.