Research utilising artificial intelligence track insect movements

March 20th, 2023

Good Fruit & Vegetables, Other, 20/03/2023, Philippe Perez
Artificial intelligence (ai) is helping improve pollination and crop yield via a new research project to track insects including honey bees, moths and hover flies. Newly published research in the International Journal of Computer Vision , outline the recording of many pollinators at a commercial strawberry farm in Victoria, that built a database of over 2000 insect tracks. […] Researchers will be collaborating and working with a number of institutions and growers in coming months, including members of the Australian Blueberry Growers Association Costa Group ‘s berries division, and the CSIRO Dr Ratnayake said there are research collaborations planned with the University of Trento , Italy and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany, to explore precision pollination and the use of AI in tracking European insects.

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