UTI vaccine on horizon

July 29th, 2024

Herald Sun, General News, 26/07/2024, Sarah Booth, Page 15
Australians could be vaccinated against urinary tract infections, which impact a staggering one in two women, if our bid to develop the world’s first MRNA jab for the condition is successful. […] The project, led by the institute and the CSIRO, was one of six mRNA projects to share in more than $19m in federal funding.

Read more: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/uti-vax-on-horizon-after-covid-mrna-breakthrough/news-story/87429411ca8bb8efc1acd9786c887cff?btr=decd2f006b80a36a938ec155bfefbd6d