Vale Barrie Bilton

April 1st, 2021

By Joe Flood

Barrie was born in Birmingham in 1937. He arrived in Building Research with the Forest Products group in 1971. As a Senior Technical Officer He was one of several divisional draftsmen who drew up scientific equipment specifications for workshop construction, along with other drawings. He was a general character around the Division, participating in its social events, and he was a great favourite, full of good cheer, wisdom and conviviality.

Barrie was always there to help friends who had problems, from any rank or calling in the Division. He spoke with considerable authority, even to his superiors if he believed they were in the wrong, and most people listened to his opinions.

He was not comfortable with new CAD drawing methods , and while he learned them, he took long leave followed by early retirement in 1994, settling in Hobart with his partner Brigith. I was fortunate to spend a couple of days with them in 2019, enjoying some mutual cooking and good reds. He died in March 2021 after an eighteen month illness, and is missed by all who knew him