Australia’s COVID future beyond the booster

Park Hyatt Melbourne, 1 Parliament Square Off, Parliament Pl, Melbourne

Join leading thinkers and experts as we examine how the pandemic has changed priorities in health care and beyond when […]

Annual Smart Energy Conference 2022

International Convention Centre Sydney

Smart Energy 2022 is the 60th Annual Conference of the Smart Energy Council. Join this landmark event, celebrate how far […]

Adapting cities for climate resilience


Coastal cities are at the frontline of the climate change battle. Already we have seen sea level rises submerging low-lying […]

Pint of Science 2022

Serving science to thirsty minds Not limited to your usual pint at the local pub, we deliver science stories of […]

Sydney pre-2035 Oceania Summit

Cicada Innovations, 4 Cornwallis Street, Sydney

This workshop is designed to bring together industry, research and government stakeholders to identify opportunities for collaboration. About this Event […]